
Do the impossible


Do the impossible

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to the BERGFORD PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS APP, which is loaded with multiple courses you can access for free, plus a briefing I wrote on Getting Back to Your Prime (there’s both PDF and audio versions inside the app), putting a trove of powerful information on Mental Performance Training right at your fingertips, right away!


PURPOSE-BUILT Performance SYSTEMS that help athletes and other tOP PERFORMERS

Decimate roadblocks • Create an unstoppable mindset • Be legendary

PURPOSE-BUILT Performance SYSTEMS that help athletes and other tOP PERFORMERS

Decimate roadblocks • Create an unstoppable mindset • Be legendary


speaking & consulting

Are you looking for an outstanding speaker for your next team meeting, conference, or retreat? Brian Bergford delivers compelling, impactful, and entertaining presentations on a variety of topics related to personal performance, transformation, and leadership. He has the rare ability to inspire people to take hold of their greatness and live from that place with authenticity. Brian will deliver a customized experience that is just right for your team and event!


High performers seek out world-class coaching for many reasons: Its benefits range from quantifiable improvements in areas like economics and athletic performance, to intangible improvements in richness of experience like confidence and joy. Brian works exclusively with individuals dedicated to living and performing at their best. He helps his clients leverage their potential, break through impediments to progress, and accomplish what they once considered impossible.

Enjoy this podcast interview I did on Overcoming Fear:

(You can skip ahead right to the start of the interview by moving the bar to 2 minutes and 40 seconds)


Sarah R. Early, Psy.D. | Executive Director, Colorado Physician Health Program | Denver, CO

Sarah R. Early, Psy.D. | Executive Director, Colorado Physician Health Program | Denver, CO

I am Executive Director of a healthcare nonprofit organization as well as a licensed psychologist who worked with Brian Bergford for individual coaching. I was undergoing a dire work situation in which my organization’s existence was threatened and my control was limited...
...The business that Brian helped me with is almost entirely and seamlessly run by my staff and causes me virtually no stress. I was able to free up enough time and energy to start two more companies over the past three years
Tyler Muto | Entrepreneur  Buffalo, New York

Tyler Muto | Entrepreneur
Buffalo, New York

while also spending more time with my family and hobbies. Working with Brian was a catalyst that helped take me from overworked and burned out, to being fully in control of my own time and resources...
Michael Scholl | Bodywork and Corrective Movement Coach | Business Owner | Boulder, CO

Michael Scholl | Bodywork and Corrective Movement Coach | Business Owner | Boulder, CO

Brian is going to support you in asking the deeper questions to HOW YOU WANT TO SHOW UP and lean into life. He lives in integrity and authenticity, and THAT is a coach you want to ‘hitch your wagon to’...
I love personal development and have spent a great deal of time, money, and energy on seminars, courses, and coaching. When I compare them all, working with Brian has been one of the most impactful things I have ever done...
Melissa Jurado | Partner, Co-Owner & Trainer, Happy With Dogs | Miami, FL

Melissa Jurado | Partner, Co-Owner & Trainer, Happy With Dogs | Miami, FL


What I'm all about

Helping my clients do the impossible and experience monumental breakthroughs by liberating the hero within - that is my mission.


What I'm all about

Helping my clients do the impossible and experience monumental breakthroughs by liberating the hero within - that is my mission.



Speaker | Performance Coach | Author

Hello, and welcome to Bergford Performance Systems! I’m excited to share more with you about the services available to my select
and valued clients.

I’m a professional Speaker and Certified Mental Performance Coach who works with athletes, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Helping my clients master their psychology through cutting edge mental training
is my passion.

My clients are an elite band of warriors, entirely unwilling to settle for anything less than the highest levels of performance of which they’re capable, and are committed to creating lasting impact by living legendary lives.

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Contact us

Contact us

To contact us, simply fill out the form below and we will reach out to you shortly.
To read more about our services, please visit our site’s
Speaking and Coaching pages.